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Cognac Diamonds

Cognac color enhanced diamonds are visibly similar to their natural counterpart making it very popular. Also, they go particularly well with rose gold, white gold and yellow gold. Our cognac diamonds come in two shades; Orangish Cognac and Reddish Cognac. Reddish Cognac is basically a more intense reddish shade of Orangish Cognac. Red & Orange diamonds can come with undertones of brown and black. None of these undertones are particularly desirable; our aim is to create a diamond of the purest color possible. A lot of diamonds become blackish when we are making the reddish cognac and this low yield makes the Reddish Cognacs more expensive than the Orangish Cognacs.

We carry Reddish Cognac and Orangish Cognac Diamonds in Rounds, varying from 0.002 ct to 10.00 cts. They are priced at different quality levels depending on clarity and brightness of color.

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